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The environmental organization “Global 2000” is alerting to the commissioning of two new reactor units in the Slovak nuclear power plant Mochovce. Which have “massive security defects”. Prior...

After the nocturnal fire in the Vienna Police Station, the investigators now suspect that the six detainees wanted to send a signal. The day after a fire set in a cell of the Vienna Police Detention Center...

Vienna Chamber of Commerce with hidden message in new advertising campaign. Since September 9, a new commercial is running on television. With the slogan “For us, entrepreneurs are heroes”,...

The award went to the article “The Future of Health Care” in the category “Digital Healthy City” written by Köksal Baltaci in Vienna Health Award of 2018. “Press”...

1,500 crowdfunding investors did not got the product they hoped for. Critics were skeptical from the beginning regarding the product. The Viennese start-up Fontus went swimming with his idea of ​​a...

The outfits, the look, the hairstyle of Conchita Wurst have recently became increasingly male. Artist Tom Neuwirth explains in an interview that Conchita Wurst should be perceived as “he” in...

Spain lost first place in the Verkehrsbüro Group, Turkey and Egypt were climbed for their swimming spots. The Austrians this summer have significantly spent more money for the holiday than in the previous...

In the past week , two employees of the parking space monitoring MA 67 were fired because they had canceled penalties. On Wednesday, another five sheriffs were suspended. Even a district council of the...

A photo shot confirmed what was already suspected. In northern Austria there is a new wolf pack. The WWF demands an information offensive and serious “wolf management”. In Austria there is...

Winzer Stadl, the “Rosa WIESN” and the “iamstudent Party” – the Vienna WIESN Festival kicks off on September 27th and visitors are already looking forward to these three events. From...