Austria, the nation which is comprised of 8.7 million people has welcomed approximately more than 130,000 claims for asylum from people of war and poverty effected countries like Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq since summer of 2015.
About 600,000 Muslims relocate themselves in Austria. Some of them arrived during Europe’s migration crisis. Muslims are second prevailing religion in Austria. Muslims are 2nd biggest majority after Christianity in Austria. Despite of this, the head of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPO) on Saturday called for a law banning “fascistic Islam” and Muslim symbols, comparable to an existing law banning Nazi symbols, saying Islam could wipe out European society. He further added Austria needs “a law which prohibits fascistic Islam”, Heinz Christian Strache told several thousand supporters at the party’s New Year meeting in Salzburg. “Let us put an end to this policy of Islamization… otherwise we Austrians, we Europeans will come to an abrupt end,” Strache said, in an apparent reference to the course pursued by the coalition government.
Along with this hatred attitude and policy towards Muslims, party also keeps the attitude of “Zero and minus immigration”.
Whereas The Freedom party’s anti-Muslim message has been well-received by a large minority of Austria’s electorate. Its presidential candidate Norbert Hofer was defeated in a run-off vote last month but gained 47 percent support.